Money Is Godly (Part 1)
The query of money is unavoidable. Is it god-like to attain
it in abundance? Is money truly “the root of sin”? In anyone’s efforts towards true
enlightenment, the issue of money is an unavoidable obstacle course. Just where
does money accurately belong in the canons of right-and-wrong, good-or-bad—just
what is the correct connotation for imparting society with high quality of life
standards? An accurate analysis of money reveals its godly alliance. While an
irrational ideology regarding money may take on any myriad of abstract
connotations, an accurate abstract juxtaposition of money can actually be the
key to unlocking real enrichment in anyone’s
daily life.
To accurately conceptualize the notion of money as godiy, one
must first have a true distinction of god. That might seem an arduous task,
defining god. It doesn’t have to be. Taking our cues from what reality reveals
only, we see that any notion of god must include creation, sustainability,
growth and endurance; not as by-products, but as its directly intended consequences:
Creation: The belief in god is rooted in the
belief that god created the world from a void. If so, creation had to serve an
objective purpose. Just as creation has life as its fundamental purpose, life
has experience. (For man only, experience includes perspective, for discernment
is man’s fundamental distinction in all his existence experiences.)
Sustainability: Beyond creation, any godly existence
has to be ongoing. Life as we know it is facilitated by existence. Existence as
we know it is supported by the revolution of earth on its axis. That
continuation is self-sustaining, without any direct continued influence from an
objective analysis.
Growth: At its core, existence supports
growth factors. While existence is a continued, largely automatic process, life
itself is wholly dependent upon existence to facilitate life. Life is that which
grows. Existence is only the platform that supports growth, not mandate it. To
grow or not is a choice open to
individuals in every moment of their lives.
Endurance: Triumphantly, life endures. Borne of creation onto a
sustainable platform which supports growth, life endures.
A correct conceptualization of god requires an unwavering
adherence to justice, to equalization in all matters. Justice is a necessarily
fameless feat, present in all matters of exchange. Justice is the gravity that
holds us honest to earth’s principles. As gravity, it needs no constant
recognition, only that 2+2=4 in all instances. Justice takes no sides and does no favors. Having been borne into
the equation of creation by direct intent, justice is just there, the gravity
factor impacting all matters proportionately without a recognition requirement.
With this clear distinction of god in mind we can proceed to
consider just how godly money is:
Creation: Such as man’s creation, money’s
creation was meant to fill a void. Money’s core intent was two-pronged: It
serves as the necessary medium for the proper exchange of materials and
abstractions; it also ascribes a universal reference point for value during any
exchange or consideration of exchange.
Sustainability: The creation of money facilitated an
economic process called capitalism, wherein lives were afforded a proper
platform for exchange of material and absrtract values for sustainability
purposes. This economic process by design was intended to be self-sustaining,
an economic engine circulating on its axis of exchange. The flow of capitalism
was meant to be an automatic process from a value perspective without the need
for direct intervention.
Growth: At its core, capitalism supports growth
factors. While capitalism essentially is the barometer for the exchange of
capitalized materials and abstractions in a free-market, money is the physical
object represented in capitalism. Capitalism
supports unfettered growth in money, not mandate it. To gain more money
is a choice individuals must decide upon directly.
Endurance: Money utlimatly endures, regardless
of all irrational concepts of it because it serves the intended purpose of
cohesion. Any notion of god requires man to bridge the gaps towards a cohesive
community on his own. Money does just that.
most interesting about any consideration of money, or capitalism, as godly is
that too often the consideration is done from
a lack of a sense of value.Having an accurate consideration for money
means first having a principled sense of value, justice. One must value
cohesiveness, and the opportunity of one’s mental capacities as the final
arbiter for his productivity; that his productivity has a quantitative
Much like all other connotations of
god, the notions of money as bad is an unjust concept allowed to run amok. It makes
no sense. Consider that if god intended to create a world which would blossom
to more than 7 billion people, to what did god expect us to cooperate with one
another without a universal reference point? Man’s creation of money thusly can
be seen as the facilitator of god’s ultimate plan. (Otherwise, money’s only
alternative view is that which thwarted god’s…what? Without the cohesive
factor, there could be no plan.)
To complete the circle of money as godly consider that money
was derived numerically, rationally. The addition, subtraction of money in any
form requires an adherence to rational, just processes. Go ahead and script away
notions which allow for the consideration of money as evil. Consider that money
has been the root of all productivity, innovations. Which one is more powerful: the
query of the greatest invention ever, or the knowledge of the drive behind the
greatest invention ever? Indeed, if money is the root of evil, then what would
be the root of money?